Our Open Letter features in Private Eye

In the latest edition (1507 – 18-31 October 2019) of Private Eye magazine, the Medicine Balls column written by M.D. (also known as Dr Phil Hammond) has featured our open letter to Michael Gove and Matt Hancock the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. A sincere thanks to Dr. Hammond for taking the time to meet and listen to our #RareDisease worries.

The article takes many of the facts from our open letter to the ministers and highlights that ministers must take our plight seriously and quickly if harm to rare disease patients is to be prevented.
Given the readership of Private Eye will include every press office in Whitehall and the majority of our MPs, We hope that this for the first time in such an august publication will highlight our plight to those in power and get ‘rare disease’ and ‘ERNs’ into their vocabulary.
Our open letter can be read here and the Secretary of State’s reply can be found here. The press coverage on our open letter can be found here, .